Throughout the various Covid-19 lockdowns, home delivery allowed retailers to reach customers who were shielding and step in when supermarkets were at capacity.

This report is based on a quantitative survey of independent convenience retailers across the UK and includes interviews with industry experts.

It looks into how important home delivery has been to retailers since the lockdown was lifted, how important it will be to retailers in the next 12 months, how they plan to scale up their offerings and what they need from delivery partners, suppliers and fascia groups to do so.


Saw an INCREASE in home delivery revenue since lockdown restrictions were lifted in July 2021


Of retailers’ revenue that is home delivery


Say marketing their delivery services is their biggest challenge

Key Questions Answered:

Has home delivery continued its momentum post-lockdown?

Which online apps are most popular among retailers?

How have retailers invested in their home delivery offering?

What will retailers be investing in over the next 12 months?

Are delivery companies doing enough to help retailers?

How can retailers make home delivery work?

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